Country Dossier


FWP Product


This category contains information on data, statistics, and data collection guidelines and processes on the gender-related killing of women and girls. This section will highlight some of the challenges and successes in femicide data collection. It will also include data measurement and collection guidelines that strive to ensure consistency in documenting femicide. Entries discuss and/or describe existing supports, databases, and national-level monitoring initiatives. The data focused on in this section is primarily numeric data and drawn from published statistics and reports sourced from: international organizations, governmental institutions, national governments, observatories, established NGOs, civil society, and activists. Additionally, the purpose of these entries is to disseminate the results of census reports, including femicide mortality rates, and other statistical findings on femicide. We acknowledge there are different types of data and discussions on qualitative data can be found in other sections (see: Studies, Analysis, Reports, and Guidelines, etc.).




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