credit: M.A.f.I.A (Movimiento Argentino de Fotógrafxs Independientes Autoconvocadxs)
How we work
All content published on this platform has been carefully curated, i.e. selected, enriched and annotated by our Editors. We strive to include exemplary and outstanding contents, which help academics and practitioners alike get a better and fast overview of good practices and stellar research.
Our selection criteria are targeted at ensuring the highest level of quality and relevance. In detail, content should:
Analyse, assess, and/or aim to understand various topics around femicide or feminicide;
Come from established sources of information;
Expand knowledge around different types and categories of femicide/feminicide all over the world.
If you would like to add any content that you deem relevant and useful for our diverse global audience, please drop us a note using our submit form.
Our key content categories

The content in this category will highlight efforts by civil society campaigns, grassroots movements, and feminist activists and advocates to bring about social change around the prevention of femicide/feminicide/feminicidio and violence against women more broadly. These campaigns, movements, and activists share the common goal of eliminating and preventing femicide and violence against women and girls. They also use their platforms to increase awareness, knowledge and education on the topic of femicide which can be used to promote social change. Those involved in these campaigns, movements, and activist organizations have devoted their time and research to advancing our knowledge on femicide, while also advocating for gender equality. The content in this section will include campaigns, movements, and activists from around the world which help demonstrate that femicide is a global phenomenon that deserves significant attention.

This category contains information on data, statistics, and data collection guidelines and processes on the gender-related killing of women and girls. This section will highlight some of the challenges and successes in femicide data collection. It will also include data measurement and collection guidelines that strive to ensure consistency in documenting femicide. Entries discuss and/or describe existing supports, databases, and national-level monitoring initiatives. The data focused on in this section is primarily numeric data and drawn from published statistics and reports sourced from: international organizations, governmental institutions, national governments, observatories, established NGOs, civil society, and activists. Additionally, the purpose of these entries is to disseminate the results of census reports, including femicide mortality rates, and other statistical findings on femicide. We acknowledge there are different types of data and discussions on qualitative data can be found in other sections (see: Research, Policy, etc.).

Content in this category conceptually and categorically discusses and addresses what femi(ni)cide is from different fields and perspectives. It is aimed to expand our notion of the different types and categories such as i.e. intimate partner femicide, sexual femicide, transfemicides, etc.

This category showcases a curated selection of events (both in person and virtual) from all over the globe. Events which cover a range of topics in femicide and feminicide are included. Information on the topic and links to registration, if applicable, are included.

The content in this section includes multimedia that explore the topic of femicide/feminicide/feminicidio. Types of multimedia range from videos, films, and documentaries to podcasts and artistic production such as photography and literature. Each contributes to our understanding of femicide/feminicide/feminicidio in various, unique, and sometimes overlapping ways. Multimedia from a range of countries are included, some focusing on general or specific types of femicide such as intimate partner femicide, non-intimate partner femicide, and sexual femicide. The information provided in this section will be beneficial for individuals who wish to examine visual or audible content pertaining to femicide/feminicide.”

The news category contains stories related to femicide published by news sources throughout the world. Up-to-date and top news stories, features, op-eds, and special reports on femicide, feminicide, feminicido, and femicidio, from around the world can be quickly accessed in this section. International, national, and regional online news articles have been curated from a variety of countries and include reports from media companies such as BBC News, Global News, and The New York Times. This content is primarily in English and is selected with the aim of providing the most recent, relevant, and high quality information on current issues and events relating to the issue of femicide.

The content in this category will feature various policies, legislations, and resolutions surrounding the topic of femicide. This will include content such as official government or institutional statements, declarations, recommendations, reviews, plans for action, and policy frameworks. All of the content in this section provides the necessary information needed to invoke legal and societal change that works towards the prevention and elimination of violence against women. The content from this section will be derived from international, supranational, and regional organizations, governmental institutions, and established NGOs. The content in this section aims to educate individuals on the legal process of policy-making and highlight the current legislation and resolutions in place for preventing violence against women and, ultimately, femicide.

The content in this category analyses, assesses, and/or aims to understand topics around femicide/feminicide, such as theoretical understandings of femicide, media representations of femicide, legal responses to femicide, and risk factors for femicide. This includes information drawn from both academic and non-academic literature such as special issues and collections on femicide, current and emerging published studies, analyses, and reports, theses and dissertations from emerging scholars. Information is sourced from a collection of international NGOs, government institutions, and academic publications. The information found in this section will be useful for individuals who are conducting research on femicide, responding to femicide, and/or looking to enhance prevention of femicide at various levels.