Murder in Ciudad Juarez a parable of women's struggle for human rights

North America


The murder of hundreds of women in Ciudad Juárez during the past decade has compelled women to mobilize. This mobilization is a parable of women’s struggle for human rights because the factors that cause gender-based violence in Mexico are common throughout the world, the authorities’ failure to punish those crimes constitutes a form of gender discrimination that is prevalent throughout the world, and the imperative for Mexican women to mobilize in defense of their own human rights is shared by women throughout the world. This struggle involves a double transformation: the transformation of women’s organizations into human rights organizations and the transformation of human rights advocacy through the integration of the gender perspective.

External Authors

Mark Ensalco
What is distinctive—and significant—about the women’s mobilization in Ciudad Juárez is the integration of a gender perspective into this new struggle for human rights. The immediate objective of the mobilization is to end the violence and to achieve justice, but the larger objective is to achieve women’s equality as a prerequisite of ending violence against women in its myriad of cultural manifestations.




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