EIGE's Innovative Classification System of Femicide

Western Europe


This report published by the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) highlights the importance of collecting reliable, consistent, and comparable data. Gathering information is of utmost importance when it comes to creating proactive measures for preventing gender-based killings aimed at women. EIGE proposes a conceptual map of femicide, defining it as killings related to gender. The mapping distinguishes between interpersonal, societal, sexual, and criminal contexts. The interpersonal context reveals killings associated with an unequal power distribution between the women and the perpetrator of intimate, familial or acquainted relations. The societal context refers to killings linked to disobedience/violation of norms and standards held by society. The sexual context relays the killing of women concerning sexual violence or acts that are sexually motivated (barring perpetration by an intimate partner). Lastly, killings committed related to organized groups, such as human trafficking and exploitation of women, fall under the criminal context. After the initial classification, EIGE concentrates on important categories and presents a thorough overview of definitions and principles related to femicide. In turn, aiding the development of a significant and inclusive framework for femicide, which can enhance knowledge on femicide and lead to better-designed measures for prevention and protection. 

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Effective and efficient policies rely on knowledge, monitoring, and evaluation. Good policies need high-quality data that is based on agreed and clear definitions, recognized variables and common units of measurement and indicators.




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