UN 2022 Statistical framework for measuring femicide/feminicide


This new statistical framework is aimed at providing a statistical definition of the gender-related killings of women and girls (femicide/feminicide) that can clearly identify data and statistics that accurately count such killings. The statistical framework defines a series of characteristics of intentional homicides that can globally operationalize the gender-related motivations of the killings, regardless of the existence of specific national legislations in relation to these criminal offences. 

Media Files


Link to UN International Classification of Crimes for Statistical Purposes

"53. The International Classification of Crimes for Statistical Purposes (ICCS)28 is the international standard for the collection of data on crime statistics, both from administrative records and survey-generated data. It is therefore a tool for the systematic production of comprehensive and comparable statistical data across different criminal justice institutions and jurisdictions."

"54. The statistical framework for measuring gender-related killings of women and girls (femicide/feminicide) is aligned to the ICCS structure, principles and definitions. It should therefore be considered as a complementary document that broadens the gender perspective of the ICCS."





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