European Commission

Expert opinions on improving femicide data collection across Europe: A concept mapping study

Carmen Vives-Cases, Isabel Goicolea, Alison Hernández, Belen Sanz-Barbero, Aisha K. Gill, Anna Costanza Baldry, Monika Schröttle, Heidi Stoeckl

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This study examines expert opinion on the strategies which can be enacted to promote, develop, and implement a femicide data collection system in Europe. The study used concept mapping, an integrated mixed methods approach, to examine the views of European experts on the actions needed to improve femicide data collection systems. The experts included in the study were members of the EU-Cost-Action on femicide. The COST Action entitled "Femicide Action IS1206" brings together the top-level experts on femicide from 27 countries. The researchers examined differences in priorities based on the level of human development index of the experts' countries. The strategies to institutionalize national databases and raise public awareness is viewed with high relevance among participants. Media involvement was identified as the most feasible strategy to improve the monitoring of femicide. By taking these actions, the availability, collection, and better comparability of data on femicide can be achieved. 

External Authors

Carmen Vives-Cases
Isabel Goicolea
Alison Hernández
Belen Sanz-Barbero
Aisha K. Gill
Anna Costanza Baldry
Monika Schröttle
Heidi Stoeckl
Once in place, the evidence produced can contribute to increased public awareness and demand for a public health sector response, as done with IPV, as well as providing concrete information on risk factors and risk groups to guide police, legal, educational, and political forces in development of prevention strategies and services.

Actions to improve data collection on femicide across European countries include:

(1) Institutionalizing a national database on femicide; 

(2) Agreeing on a minimum set of variables that have to be collected in each case; and

(3) Investing in the training of those professionals who are in charge of collecting the data.

The implementation and sustainment of a data collection system requires a firm political commitment, in addition to technical data collection. 




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